Celebrities Before And After

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Jackie Chan Jackie Chan

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Rocío Durcal Rocío Durcal

Rocío Dúrcal (October 4, 1944 – March 25, 2006), born as María de los Ángeles de Las Heras Ortíz, was a Spanish singer and actress. Her birth and death both occurred in Madrid, Spain.

Rick Schroder Rick Schroder

Richard Bartlett “Ricky” Schroder, Jr. (born April 13, 1970) is an American Golden Globe Award-winning actor. He debuted in the 1979 hit film The Champ, going on to become a child star on the sitcom Silver Spoons. He has continued acting as an adult, notably on the western Lonesome Dove and the television crime drama […]

Che Guevara Che Guevara

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Lionel Messi Lionel Messi

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Alberto Castillo Alberto Castillo

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James Whitmore James Whitmore

James Whitmore (October 1, 1921 – February 6, 2009) was an American film actor.

Julian Weich Julian Weich

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Jimena Baron Jimena Baron

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